
Thoroughbred Genetics is a UK-based company which is the first company in the world to develop and provide DNA-based, genetic tests for racehorse performance. We are proud of this achievement. These selected and archived news pieces help to tell the story of Thoroughbred Genetics from its inception in 2000; taking us through March 2006, when we published the first peer-reviewed scientific paper linking specific ‘speed’ and ‘performance’ genes to aspects of racing performance; to the present where we continue to work for some of the most successful thoroughbred breeders across the world - in Europe, USA, Australasia, Japan and the UAE.

Keiba Coin – The Winning Horse Club

Keibacoinプロジェクト(Winning Horse Club)と戦略パートナーシップについて: Keiba Coinプロジェクト(Winning Horse Club)は常に新しい技術を取り入れていくチャレンジ精神を持っている団体です。 Thoroughbred Genetics Ltdはこれから競馬界をKeiba Coinプロジェクト(Winning Horse Club)と共に邁進していきたいと考えております。 ブロックチェーンと遺伝子科学などの最新技術を取り入れて、この業界に一緒にイノベーションを起こしていきたいと考えています。 日本の独占代理権をKeiba Coinプロジェクト(Winning Horse Club)にお任せします。 日本語のサービス紹介ページへ  

中国大陆与香港地区的服务 / 中國大陸與香港地區的服務

中国大陆与香港地区的服务 我们很高兴为中国大陆与香港地区的赛马界人士提供服务。 请通过下方链接进入阅读相关专页,内附服务介绍与联系代表信息。 点击进入专页 其它关于基因检测的中文介绍文章: 谈基因检测在赛马与育马上的应用 赛马基因检测之十问十答 中國大陸與香港地區的服務 我們很高興為中國大陸與香港地區的賽馬界人士提供服務。 請通過下方連結進入閱讀相關專頁,內附服務介紹與聯絡代表信息。 點擊進入專頁 其它關於基因檢測的中文介紹文章: 談基因檢測在賽馬與育馬上的應用 賽馬基因檢測之十問十答

Thoroughbred fertility – new products

Extension of collaboration with The University of Kent17 July 2019 Thoroughbred Genetics is pleased to announce a further development in its collaboration with The University of Kent. The collaboration has already been offering cytological screening Read more…

Pagine web specifiche Italiane

Siamo lieti di avere un certo numero di clienti italiani e apprezziamo lavorare con loro. Le pagine Web selezionate sono ora disponibili in italiano. Siamo sempre lieti di aiutare i nostri amici italiani. Vi preghiamo Read more…

Contact Thoroughbred Genetics

At the office:

Godmersham Park  Canterbury  Kent  CT4 7DT  United Kingdom

On the phone:

Telephone: +44 (0)1227 731772

Contact Us